
Showing posts from November, 2018


My latest new recipe is a minestrone that originally came from my Taste of Home Cookbook.   I used to pour over ToH magazines looking for new and interesting recipes.   I still have them… though I don’t really know why because I’m sure all the things I’d like are on the internet now!  This turned out really good, and it is packed with vegetables and flavor.   Perfect for the kind of November weather we’ve been having here lately.   (It’s currently grey, spitting and ugly snow and is VERY cold!) The original recipe can be found here . Here is what I did to change it up. My changes are in red ·          2 cups coarsely chopped onions   (about 2-3 white onions) ·          1 cup sliced celery (about 2-3 stalks) ·          1/4 cup minced fresh parsley   (I didn’t use parsley… didn’t have any) ·          1/4 cup canola oil   ( a few times around the pot) ·          2 garlic cloves, minced (Um I always add more garlic!) ·          5 cups beef broth (I actually onl