
Showing posts from November, 2014

Tom The Turkey

November 27, 2014 On this Thanksgiving Day, I would like to recount the story of Tom the Turkey. I wish I had pictures of Tom, but alas, this was well before camera phone days and Pinterest. My mom was rather crafty.   Growing up, I remember doing a lot of fun crafty and creative things.   She got some ideas from school where she worked, or library books.   I wonder how crazy she wound have gone had we had Pinterest way back then… One year, my mom decided that we would make a paper maché turkey.   We mixed up the flour and water, got our hands good and sloppy, and cut up newspaper strips to lay on the balloon.   We used toilet paper rolls for the neck and legs.   My mom reminded me that we cut his feet and his gobbler out of a yellow sponge.   (It was probably even a used sponge!)   We painted it (after it dried) with some left over dark brown house paint, and of course, used construction paper to make the feathers. What made this one of the most creative ventures mom an

Family Holiday Favorites- Part 2: Cheesy Potato Caserole

Just in time for you to go to the grocery store… Cheesy Potato Casserole   Ingredients: 1 Package frozen hashed browns (thawed) 1 (10 oz) Can Cream of Chicken Soup 8 Oz. Sour Cream 2 Cups Shredded Cheddar Cheese (Or more…more cheese=Always better) ½ Stick Butter 1 Onion, diced   Directions: Mix sour cream, cream of chicken, onions and cheese (save some cheese for top!) In a large bowl   Spread hash browns in a 9x13 ungreased casserole dish Pour melted butter over potatoes. Pour mixture over potatoes, and mix in evenly. Sprinkle remaining cheese on top.   Add crunched up potato chips or corn flakes on top for extra crunchiness, if desired. Bake at 350 for 1 hour.   This is also a great make-ahead casserole.   Make it up on Wednesday, and bake it on Thursday!   Happy Thanksgiving, Everyone!    

Family Holiday Favorites- Part One: Stuffing and Chicken Casserole

Family Holiday Favorites- Part One: Stuffing and Chicken Casserole Around this time of year, many people ask what some of your family’s favorite go-to holiday dishes are.   Well, here’s the first of two that it seems my family can’t do without this time of year. Stuffing and Chicken Casserole 2 Boxes of Stove Stop Stuffing- Chicken Flavor 2 Sticks of Butter/Margarine 6-8 Boneless Chicken Breasts 2 Cans of Cream of Chicken Soup 16 oz. Sour Cream 2 Cups of Chicken Broth 1 Medium Chopped Onion Boil chicken in water.   Shred the chicken and add the cream of chicken soup, sour cream and chopped onion. Melt one stuck of butter/margarine and mix with one box of the stuffing and seasonings.   Put on the bottom of a 9x13 pan. Put the chicken mixture on top of bottom layer. Melt the other stick of butter/margarine and mix with second stuffing box.   Put on top of the chicken mixture layer.   Pour the chicken broth over casserole.   Let sit overnight. Bake at