
Showing posts from December, 2018

Zuppa Toscana

Zuppa Toscana (OG Copycat!) I had made a lot of tomato-based soups lately, so I decided to go wit this.   It is supposedly a copycat of the Olive Garden recipe.   As usual, I had to make some of my own adjustments.   (Not as much kale and more broth/cream than called for) This turned out sooooo good!   I am afraid I’m going to eat it all up before even having a chance to freeze any for later!   A great comfort food for depressing winters! Olive oil 1 lb Italian Sausage (casing removed) 4 slices of bacon, diced   (bacon, bacon, Bacon BACOOOOOOON!) 1 sm-md yellow onion, chopped 3 14.5 oz cans of chicken broth 2 cups (or cans worth!) of water 1 ½ lb russet potatoes (about 4)   sliced and diced.   (leave skin on if desired- rinse and scrub first!) 1 ½ tsp sugar ½ tsp crushed fennel seeds   (these are optional, but I wouldn’t leave them out if you can help it!) Salt and pepper 2 C half and half (I actually used 32 oz) 1 ½ c packed chopped kale   (So I d