Strawberry Pretzel Dessert

Strawberry Pretzel Dessert

What you need:  at least a half of a bag of pretzels.  (I ususally use the small pretzel shaped ones), a stick of butter, 1 C and 3 Tbs of sugar (divided), 2 3-ox packages of strawberry jello, 2-8 oz tubs of cool whip, 2 C Water, 1-8 oz package of cream cheese, 1 pt of strawberries, cut and sweetened, or a package of frozen sweetened strawberries.

Mix together:
2 C crushed pretzels
¾ C butter (or really, who are we kidding?  Just put the whole stick in!)
3 tbs sugar

Press into 9x13 ungreased pan and bake at 350 for 10 min.  Let it cool completely.

Whip together (with a mixer) in medium bowl and set aside:
2 C whipped topping (basically this is a whole 8 oz tub of Cool Whip)
1 8 oz package cream cheese
1 C sugar

Mix Together
2- 3 oz packages (or 1-6 oz) strawberry jello mix
2 C boiling water
2 16 oz packages of frozen sweetened strawberries or 2 pints cut and sweetened strawberries
Dissolve jello in water, add strawberries and syrup, put in fridge to slightly set.

When the crust is cooled, spread the cream mixture onto the crust.  Put the strawberry/jello mix onto the cream layer.  Let set completely in the fridge.  When it has set, add a layer of whipped topping, (one more whole 8 oz tub of topping) and then decorate with strawberries and pretzels. (crumbs or whole pretzels).

This is a favorite of mine from my childhood.  My Aunt Lynda used to make this a lot at Christmas time.  I searched for recipe that seemed similar enough to what I remembered, and this is what I found.  It gets requested at Hartman family gatherings, especially in the summer, and there is unfortunately never much to bring home!  The pretzel crushing is great fun for kids to help out with.  I usually put a couple of handfuls of pretzels in a small ziplock back and go to town squishing it.  It's great stress relief.  Just make sure that you don’t wait until the last minute for this one, as the jello needs to set.  It's good to crush the pretzels and sweeten the strawberries the night before.

I first made this for a family gathering on September 8, 2016.


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