Westside-Story-Rainy-Day Kebabs

Westside-Story-Rainy-Day Kebabs

 I made this on a gloomy, rainy July 4th.  Westside Story was on TV.  I (gasp) had never actually seen it in its entirety.  I mean, I know the songs, the story, the dances… and the lyricist… but had never sat down and watched it all the way through.  So, I think these kebabs will always remind me of the movie since we made and ate them while it was on, and while Rob re-lived his glory days of being on stage.

The original recipe called for some dill… but I am not a fan of dill.  It’s like the one herb I just don’t do.  Maybe it reminds me too much of pickles.  Anyway, you can sprinkle on some dill if you like. 

6-10 small new potatoes, cut in half (you’ll probably use 2 whole potatoes per skewer)
9-12 grape or cherry tomatoes
6-10 green onions.  (You’ll use the bottom thick portion- cut into 1 ½ in pieces.)
1 package of precooked smoked sausage. (You could use any kind of sausage you like, but make sure it’s pre-cooked)

Olive oil

Sauce for dipping:
¼ C Mayo
2 Tbs Dijon mustard or thick seedy mustard of your choice.

Cut the potatoes in half and boil them until just tender to the fork.  You don’t want them over done.

Chop up some garlic and put it in 2 tablespoons (ish) of olive oil.  I decided to warm this up to help the garlic infuse, so I popped it in the microwave for 30 seconds.

Run some cold water over the potatoes, then pour the olive oil and garlic over the potatoes and mix up.

Put the veggies and sausage on the skewers, potatoes first and last.  Sprinkle with some pepper and garlic powder (or seasoning of your choice.)

Grill.   Serve with some of the mustard mayo.  It was really good with that too!


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