Weight a Minute...

Weight a minute…

Today I wore a pair of size 20 pants.  Yep, I’m just gonna say it.  I’m going right out there with what size I wear.  There are some things that you feel ashamed of and that you should hide, or not be transparent with, but I am going to go with this one little part of my life that I COULD have some amount of control over.  I can’t control how much money my husband makes, I can’t control how many voice students I get (I can influence, but not control totally)and I definitely cannot control how many diapers Will poops in or how much he needs to eat.  I CAN control what I put in my mouth.  I really can.  I don’t like to, but I can.  So, yes, a size 20 is awesome considering that before I got pregnant, I was wearing a tight 22… and during pregnancy wore a 24+.

I would like to wear a size 16.  I think I could feel relatively good about that.  It’s not the 10-14 that I wore in my swinging single days (before hubby re-introduced celebratory strawberry shakes and cheeseburgers)  Those clothes are long gone…But, a 16 is good because you can find it in the “normal” women’s department and not the WOMEN’s department.  I will NEVER have a flat belly, and I will never have even boobs, but I can be a size 16.

If anyone has any size 16-20 clothes they would like to hand down… I am not ashamed.  I WILL take handmedowns!

OH... also, I can;t wear my wedding ring!  I took it off before the inevitable swellingo f pregnancy began, and I have not been able to wear it since.  I want to wear my wedding ring.
Oh and that picture was taken in 2005.  I had to actually log on to my MySpace page to find skinny pictures of me… because all my good pics were on my external hard drive that crashed. Boo.


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