
Showing posts from September, 2012

Guest Recipe!

Today’s recipe comes from Friend, and D’s Delights Blog Follower, Mandy Valentine.   I was going to make chicken tonight, so I decided to try her recipe! Here is what she wrote: “I use a marinade of 1/2 c balsamic, 1/4 c Dijon mustard,1/4 c olive oil, 1/2 t garlic powder & the juice of one lemon, salt 7pepper. Put it all in a bi gbaggie with the chicken breasts. Let breasts marinade at least 3 hrs. Dump thewhole thing in a baking dish - reduce leftover marinade and use it as a sauce on the chicken. Yum. ” She said toheat the oven to 350 and cook for 30-40 minutes. It was pretty easy to put together, and I do like baking meat because it’s the kind of thing you can put in and go do something else for a while.   I wound up cooking it for about 40minutes.   Husband says it’s “Excellent!”   He took the last piece, which is always agood sign! I have to confess, my taste buds are a little weak lately from allergies and being all stuffy and runny… From what I can tell, it’s pretty

Foolproof Balsamic Chicken

Foolproof Balsamic Chicken Here is another basic recipe that if you like chicken, youshould be able to do!   I don’t even use any sort of recipe or measurements with this.   The balsamic vinegar makes it very tender and gives it a rich caramel color. Take your chicken breasts… butterfly them.   (cut them in half so they are not as thick) Put a little salt and pepper on them. Sprinkle some balsamic vinegar on them. Put a little olive oil in the pan (“twice around the pan” in  Rachael Ray Speak ) Put them in the pan (cut side down) medium high Brown on each side for a few minutes (3-4) Add a little water to the pan (maybe ¼ C –ish) Cover, lower temp and let it cook down.   Add a little more water if you don’t think it’sdone… you can check by cutting into it to see if it’s still pink or use a meatthermometer. When the water cooks down,    start to rub the chicken around the pan.   It will pick up the glaze from the pan.   This is what makes it such a dark caramel color.

Garbanzo and Rosemary Dip with Pita Crisps

Appetizers Garbanzo and Rosemary Dip My hearty rosemary, despite me not actually taking care of it this summer! 1 Can Chick Peas, drained (Garbanzo Beans) 3 Oz Canned Roasted Red Pepper (half of a 6 Oz jar) Juice of ½ Lemon (a couple of Tablespoons) 2 Cloves Garlic 4 Stems of Rosemary Salt and Pepper to taste Olive Oil Put all ingredients except olive oil in a food processor, drizzle in the olive oil as you process. Serve with crackers, pita crisps, celery, carrots, zucchini slices, etc… I always like to have an herb garden, but this year, with a baby, I just didn’t work at it.   However, with the mild winter we had, and the hot summer, my Rosemary thrived despite the thistles trying to grow up around it!   Incidentally, Rosemary is the name of my grandmother, and what Will would have been named if he had been a girl! Pita Crisps Preheat oven to 400 Cut pita with a pizza cutter to make the wedges.   Open up the wedges and pull apart gently, to make 2.   Place

Photography- An Attempted Photo Shoot with Will

Photography-   Anattempted photo shoot in the park for Will Well, it was such beautiful weather today, and it’s not payweek, so we had to do something fun for the family that was free.   We went to Northwestway Park, which is rightaround the corner from us.   I wanted toget some pics of Will with some different September backgrounds…   Here is what I got before he fell asleep!           and here are some after he was asleep of the landscape:

Turkey Patties With Fennel

Turkey Patties With Fennel I know that people really like the recipes, so I will give you another that I have recently tried.   Rob really liked it and said it reminded him a bit of meatloaf.   (He really likes meatloaf.)   This recipe originally comes from South Beach Diet Cookbook) Turkey Patties With Fennel 1 Lb 99% Fat Free Ground Turkey Breast ¼ Large Onion, Grated (or one small one.   I used the food processor) 1 Egg, Beaten 2 Tbs Finely Chopped Pecans (again, I used the food processor, and I used Walnuts instead) ¼ Tsp fennel seeds (The recipe calls for crushed ones, but I only had whole ones) Combine everything in a bowl, then shape into patties.   Cook in a pan or on a grill.   Ground turkey usually needs some extra spices and flavorings so that it does not seem bland.   Also, if you are going to put on the grill, be sure to not turn them very soon. Let them sit until the bottom is good and done, or else it may fall apart.   This is a good idea to keep in

A little bread can't be too bad...?

I am in the mood to eat some bread.   I know… I really shouldn’t, but I am going tomake my own, and hope that it is healthy enough for me to not gain 5 pounds justby looking at it.   1 C All Purpose Flour ½ C Sugar ¼ C Whole Wheat Flour 1 ½ tsp Baking Powder ½ tsp Salt ¼ tsp Pumpkin Pie Spice 1 Egg ½ C Applesauce (I used two small 4 oz individual cups) 2 Tbs Cooking Oil ½ C Snipped, Dried Apricots (or other dried fruit) Mix flours. Sugar and spices in a medium sized bowl Mix egg. Applesauce and oil in a small bowl. Add the mixtures together, put in a bread pan. Bake at 350 for 20-25 Minutes. My changes:   First, Iam going to switch the proportions of the flour types.   Second, I do not have dried apricots, so I’mgoing to use cranberries. Well, let’s see how this goes… …It is pretty good.   I was afraid it would be bitter because of the higher wheat flour proportions, but it is not.   For as easy as this was to throw together-   you probably have these i

Pinterest Experiment- 8 Can Taco Soup

Now I am going to try a Pinterest recipe.   I saw that a number of my friends and “followers” had re-pinned this one, so I thought I would give it a try, and then write about it!   Here is the origin of the Pin . 8 Can Taco Soup 1 (15 oz.) can black beans, drained and rinsed 1 (15 oz.) can pinto beans, drained and rinsed 1 (14.5 oz.) can petite diced tomatoes, drained 1 (15.25 oz.) can sweet corn, drained 1 (12.5 oz.) can white chicken breast, drained 1 (10.75 oz.) can cream of chicken soup 1 (10 oz.) can green enchilada sauce 1 (14 oz.) can chicken broth 1 packet taco seasoning I bought all of the ingredients except for the canned chicken… I just could not bring myself to buy canned meat.   I was a little concerned about the sodium and preservative content, too.   So, I just cooked my own meat the night before and put it in the fridge.   I probably should have made more, but next time…   Also, I accidentally had petite diced tomatoes with chilies-   but that should b

Crafty Fifty- A Pinterest Project- Decorative Balls

Crafty Fifty   When I joined Pinterest, I, like the rest of the Pinners had no idea how much it would suck me in!   Now, there are times when I don’t check it much.   Usually when I am feeling a little overwhelmed with everything else about life- I just can’t bring myself to get on and pin away!   But, if I am feeling creative, or manic, I will get on there and pin, pin pin!   When I first named my board, I wanted it to become “Crafty Nifty Things”   But, my IPhone changed it before I caught it and I accidentally pressed the “ok” button or whatever, and suddenly I had a board that said “Crafty Fifty.” So, there’s that! What good is it all though, if you don’t actually TRY the things you pin, or DO the things you are inspired to do? Here is one of my projects that I have tried.     I kept seeing these decorative balls on Pinterest, ( Here’s One ) and of course, I thought.   “Oh that looks easy, I could totally do that!”   It actually took me a long time to get it all fi

Indian Spiced Fruit

Going through my recipe journal to find things to share with you all has inspired me to want to make some of them again.   As soon as I do, I’ll take pictures and add them to the blog here.   Here is one that I will try to make this week. Indian Spiced Fruit 2 Green Apples, cored and chopped (I leave the skin on, but you can peel if you prefer.  I also sometimes use one green and one red, or 2 green and 1 red)  The fruit before spice and syrup 2 Bananas, Sliced 1 Can of Apricots in Lite Syrup, drained 1 Can Pitted Black Cherries (or sweet red cherries in water)  1 Inch of Gingerroot, shredded- about 1-2 tsp (You could also use canned gingerroot or add ½ tsp ground ginger to the spices instead) Juice of 1 Lemon (3-4 Tbs) 2 Tsp Sugar (or Splenda) 1 Tsp Salt ½ Tsp each of nutmeg, cinnamon, cloves Combine the gingerroot, lemon juice and spices.   Combine the fruit.   Pour the juice mixture over the fruit, toss. Optional- This is also good with some nuts in it,

Photography- Places to have a photo-op!

I’d like to explore some really interesting and beautiful places to take pictures around Indianapolis.   If you know of some really nice photo op spots.   Please let me know and I will list them on my blog. Here are a few I know of. The Canal Downtown.   Who would have thought 25 years ago that there would be this really lovely place in the middle of downtown Indianapolis?   I am so proud of my city when I take a walk here, and I always discover something new!  Megan and Tristan at the Indianapolis Arts Center The Indianapolis Art Center in Broad Ripple  This is where the big Broad Ripple Arts Festival is held.   There are beautiful gardens and artwork all over.   One of my favorites is this little curvy house.   100 Acres Park at the Indianapolis Museum of Art This is a fun place to take pictures because there are huge artworks that you are encouraged to interact with.   There is also a little lake and lots of trees. Butler University This is a beautiful cam

Hoppin' Stoup and Rice

In the spirit of Fall comfort foods, I will give you one of my very favorite soups to make and eat.   It is a Rachael Ray recipe, but I tweaked it a bit.   The ingredients sound like they are an odd fit for each other, but I tell you, this is one of the most delicious soups, or “stoups” as she calls it, that I’ve ever had!   This recipe makes about 10 cups, and my note at the bottom says “Eat with a Fork!” Hoppin’ Stoup and Rice 1 ½ C Rice               (I used brown minute rice.   Brown the rice in a little olive oil, then add 2 ¾ C Water or Chicken Broth.   Then, serve the stoup over the rice) I did wind up putting the rice in the soup later, and that turned out just fine. 1 Large Onion, chopped 1 Md-Lg Sweet Potato, peeled and chopped. 5-6 Celery Ribs, chopped (you can include the leaves if you like) 1 or 2 Green Bell Peppers, chopped 1 lb Sausage.   (The original recipe calls for Andouille, but I really had no idea exactly what that was, so I got “Chorizzo” whi

Two Fruit Salads For Pitch-Ins or Personal

Sometimes fruit can be a great quick snack to grab- like an apple or banana that you can just eat in the car, but mixed fruits can make great snacks or even desserts for your healthy dinners.   You can make up these fruit salads and keep them in the fridge for a few days, and quickly spoon a bowlful for yourself!   These also make great pitch-in dishes.   The first, is a minted melon salad- which, I first made back in 2003.   I probably just tried it because it had mint in it, and I had an abundance of mint growing alongside my house. (The mint originally came from my grandma’s house, so I kinda feel like it’s an “heirloom” plant!)   I have never bought mint in the store-   even though I don’t have any growing by my house now, my mom still does, and I just grab a bunch from her house when I need it!   The second is a super-fast fruit salad- the most time consuming part is the cutting of the bananas and strawberries. Minted Melon Salad 5 C Watermelon 3 C Canteloupe 3 C Honeydew

Yummy Pitch-In Dishes

We all have pitch-ins to go to- whether it’s with church, friends, family… We all have to go to them at some time.   I confess that I want the dish that I bring to be ALL GONE when we are done.   This means it was good.   I also hate it when someone else brings a similar dish, and so mine doesn’t get eaten as much!   One way to avoid that is by bringing unusual dishes to a pitch-in.   (But not too unusual- because then no one will eat it!) However, you really don’t want to be slaving over this dish for hours.   So, here are two favorite side dishes that are easy to whip up and always yummy!   In my next post, I will share two fruit dishes that you can take to pitch ins. Apple-Sweet Potato Salad 1 ½ Lb. Sweet Potato 1-2 Large Apples (Granny Smiths work great!   Or use one red apple and one green one for color and taste variety.   I leave the skin on) 1-2 Large Celery Ribs Dressing:                1 Tbs Orange Juice                1 Tbs Olive Oil                2 tsp Ci

Quick Honey Mustard Dressing

This takes just a minute to whip up, and I don’t really use measurements so much… I am more like Rachael Ray-   I just “eyeball it.”   But here are some basic measurements for it.   You can make more or less or make it sweeter or whatever. Honey Mustard Dressing ¼ C Mayonnaise 1 Tbs Honey 1 Tbs Dijon or Deli Mustard ½ tbs lemon juice. (or a squirt…sometimes I don’t use the lemon juice)   And this is another favorite of mine, which inspired the dressing above. Dijon Chicken Salad 4 Cups cubed cooked chicken 1 C   Sliced Celery 1 C Seedless Red Grapes (sliced or cut in half) 1 C Seedless Green Grapes (sliced or cut in half) ¼ C Dried Apricots (sliced or chopped up) ¼ C Chopped Green Onion Dressing: ¾ C Mayonnaise 2 Tbs Honey 1 Tbs Dijon Mustard ½ tsp salt 1/8 tsp pepper Top with: ½ C Sliced Almonds (or Walnuts or Pecans) Mix all the ingredients together! You can leave out the apricots if you like, but they add a lot of yummy sweetness.   Also, you cou

Balsamic Pork

This is one of my “go to” recipes.   It’s easy and really good, and my husband really likes it.   I’ve made it so often, that I don’t even have to use the recipe anymore… but here it is for you! First-get a good pork tenderloin at the store… Seriously, we can get a big one, and cut it up into three parts… and have three meals!   They seem expensive, but if you can get three meals out of them, they are not!   This recipe takes care of about 2 lb worth. Balsamic Pork Loin Pork Tenderloin Salt and Pepper ¼ C Balsamic Vinegar 2 Tbs Honey 2 Tbs Dijon Mustard You can also use some Thyme, if you like, (2 tsp fresh) but I usually don’t. Heat the oven to 400 degrees.   Put a little salt and pepper on the pork.   Put it in a shallow baking dish.   Mix the other ingredients, and pour mixture over pork.   Check and baste every 20-30 minutes.   You may also want to add some water to the dish once or twice as it is cooking down.   A fully thawed loin may only take 45 minutes t

Fall- Time for Chilis and Stoups

Yep, it’s getting to be that time of year… Chili Time !   I love Chili- as long as it’s not overly spicy.   Unfortunately, my husband will not eat anything with beans in it, so I’m on my own here.   Here are a couple of chili/"stoup" recipes that you can make up and freeze for later if you like.   White Chili Crock Pot Meal! 1 lb Great Northern Beans (I used 2 cans) 1 Medium Onion, chopped 3 Cloves og Garlic, minced 2 tsp ground cumin 1 tsp dried oregano ½ tsp cayenne pepper (use more if you like it spicy) ½ tsp Salt 2 lb Boneless, Skinless Chicken Breasts 1 14 Oz Can Reduced Sodium Chicken Broth 1 C Water Cut up chicken in small pieces and brown in a pan. Add all ingredients into the crock pot. Cook on Low 10-12 hrs, High 6-8 hrs ____________________________________________________________ Taco Stoup (This is from Rachael Ray) 1 ½ Lb Ground Sirloin 1 Tbs Cumin 1 Tbs Ground Coriander 1 Tbs Chili Powder (I ALWAYS use less… more like 1 tsp)